Joint pains can be extremely detrimental as they canaffect the normal functioning of the body. According to Ayurvedic doctors, joint pains can be caused bydigestive issues. This causes the buildupof toxins between the joint. Pain can befelt when the joints move in any direction.
Many suffer from severe pains in their joints that willnot stop, despite treatment. These are normal parts of growing up. If you have the right medication, these pains can beeliminated completely.
HomeRemedies to Treat
FirstRemedy #1
The juice of a ginger can be used. Use some rock salt to makevidanga (Embelia Ribes False Black Pepper) a fine powder. Mix all ingredients together and add honey in three-gramincrements. You should take this threetimes daily.
Remedy #2
To massage your joints, you can use the oil extractedfrom Bishop's weed seeds. Warm the oil before massaging. Similar results can be achieved by massaging oil of IndianMargosa, Azadirachta indica, or Neem for relief.
Remedy #3
Boil two cups of water and add a handful Bishop's weedseed, one teaspoon salt, to relieve joint pains caused by cold weather. The mixture should then bestrained through the sieve. Place a cleancloth over the top. The warm solution willmake the cloth dampen. The cloth can beused for inflaming the painful joints. Thiswill ease the pain.
Remedy #4
Some joint pains that can occur when lifting heavyweights are more severe in the fingers and knees. These persistent pains canbe difficult to treat and may last years. Tomatoesare the best option for treating such pains due to their high vitamin-Ccontent. Aim to eat four to five freshtomatoes each day. You should also eat twobowls of thick tomato soup daily: one in morning and one evening. You will feel great relief after a fortnight.
Remedy #5
You can use amalaki (Emblicaofficinalis or IndianGooseberry) to treat sudden, sharp joint pains. You can also add a bit ofcardamom. The mixture should be taken oncedaily. This will keep your body healthyand prevent sudden pains from different parts.
Remedy #6
Make a paste using groundnut oil made from a yellowoleander flower petal. To treat joint pains, this paste should be used frequently. If you keep using the paste, your pains will go away.
Remedy #7
Garlic cloves can also be ground and used to treat thearea. It willquickly disappear. This remedy is not thebest. You will end up with boils if youdon't rinse it off within minutes.
Remedy #8
Make a paste with mustard seeds and some water. Apply the oily paste tothe affected joints. The pain willdisappear in a matter of minutes.
Remedy #9
This is a great way to ease joint pains. However,patience is required. Here's how to eat one castor seed every morning startingwhen you wake up. On the first day, onecastor seed should be eaten. Two morecastor seeds are recommended for the second and third day. The eighth day is the best time to reduce the amount ofcastor seed. Continue doing this until youreach one. At that point, your joint painswill cease.
Remedy #10
Boil some Bishop's Weed Seeds in water. When the water boils, thefumes will escape. You can bring the fumesto the affected joints. You will feel nopain in your joints.
Remedy #11
Heat some bitter oil in a saucepan. You can also add somegarlic cloves and Bishop's weed seeds to the oil. You can massage areas that are prone to joint pain with thisoil. This oil can be used to alleviate anytype of joint pain if used correctly.
Remedy #12
Mix two cloves of garlic with some sesame seed oil. Apply the oil to theaffected areas. This will provide you withimmense benefits.
Remedy #13
If the pains aren’t severe, you can steam foment themusing a cloth. You shouldabsorb the vapors into the cloth, and then press down on the affected area. Fomentation should take place at least 20 minutes per night,and at least once a day.
Remedy #14
Castor oil can be used to make a ginger juice. Do not exceed 10milliliters of castor oil with one teaspoonful ginger juice. You can take this twice daily at dawn and dusk on an emptystomach.
It is important to eliminate all toxins from the body asthis can lead to joint pains. For one day, the patient must fast. Dry heat is then used to increase the swelling. Castor oil is used extensively in Ayurveda to relieve jointpains. There are many herbs that can beprescribed in various potencies, including galangal and garlic. Dashamoolarishta is the most popular preparation and can beused for treatments lasting up to three weeks.